🤯 As a whole, Americans are chronically unhealthy. It seems the deck is stacked against us! Our food source is wacked and our health system is dysfunctional; the incentives are all wrong. I realize, the last two sentences are probably not a surprise to many of us. 

I would like to introduce a couple of brave souls, Casey and Calley Means, who are taking on the powers that be. Here is an article written about them, a podcast interview, and their book Good Energy.

The good news is they provide an outline on how to quickly turn things around. 

One quick pearl of wisdom was that Alzheimer’s can be prevented with the proper diet/lifestyle. They noted Dr. Dale E. Bredesen and his book The End of Alzheimer’s. 

Casey and Calley also communicate that we can significantly reduce the epidemics of childhood obesity and infertility. 

I hope they can convince the right people that we have to make positive change. We can do better!

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Bartley Financial has an experienced team of CPAs and CFPs® (Certified Financial Planners®) dedicated to helping clients manage their investment portfolios, plan for retirement, strategize taxes, or execute any other initiatives in pursuit of optimum financial health and minimal financial stress. From our offices in Andover, MA, and Bedford, NH, we work to ease clients’ financial concerns, strengthen their portfolios, and assuage their worry that they don’t know what they don’t know.

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By Robert Bartley
Robert Bartley creates the vision for the team. Everything we do centers on the clients we are fortunate to work with. Robert always says “it’s not difficult to work hard for our clients when they are such impressive people that inspire us!” Robert is also the inspiration for BFA’s work ethic which he attributes to his parents and growing up at his family’s restaurant. Robert is always pushing the team to sharpen our skills for the benefit of our clients. He is tenacious in our collective pursuit of mastery as individuals and as a team, but understands that it is a life-long journey that is never complete