Financial Literacy
A pet peeve here at Bartley Financial is that youth don’t get properly educated about finances.
What would a person’s skill set be if we didn’t spend time teaching them English, Science and Math?
If we don’t educate our youth about money early, then they could lack these skills for the rest of their life. Or they could make financial mistakes that could be completely avoided. Why isn’t this a common part of the part of the curriculum in a capitalist society (shouldn’t individuals need to know these things?)
We’ve been reaching out to local schools to promote and assist in providing basic financial education – balancing a checkbook, handling debt and credit cards, market basics, saving, the benefits of compounding growth. Along the way, we’ve found that this kind of knowledge is lacking in adults as well.
We’ve put together a list of resources below to help people answer questions they still have about finances, and also to help educate the people around them. Our goal in all of this is to help people live the life they envision.
Financial Literacy Test
Two-thirds of the world can’t pass this basic financial literacy test. Can you?
Savings Pay yourself first – at least 10% of income)
Establish A Savings Plan.
Identity Theft