Shut down that inner voice that limits you; that tells you there is no time – you will start tomorrow or next week, or that you aren’t in good enough shape for that new exercise class.  Reserve the time now, set a date with yourself, and make a plan. Just like saving for retirement, no one else is going to invest in you but YOU! I suggest getting back to basics; spend more time in nature, feed your mind and body and lastly, focus on the positive.

Get outside in nature and open up space in your mind. We spend much of our time indoors “plugged in” which makes it important to find ways to get outside in nature. Studies have found that walks outside and specifically in the forest are linked to decreased levels of anxiety and bad moods, restored mental energy, improved concentration and sharper thinking.  Get outside and go for a hike. Take a walk in the woods, around your neighborhood or in a local park. If time or access to nature is an issue, perhaps make a change by getting up from your desk at lunch, putting the to-do list down and eating outside.  Get some fresh air and welcome the sunshine on your face. Here is a link to popular hikes in New England. I hope it inspires you to check out something new. The site allows you to filter by state or level of intensity.

Feed your mind and body! Have you put off starting a regular exercise routine? Don’t overthink it – just do it! I realized recently that my usual workout had become dull and uninspiring. Hot yoga had been on my list to try out for a couple of years but I was always fearful that I wouldn’t be good at it and would look completely foolish. Why did I wait?!  After just a handful of sessions, I am already feeling “the flow” and there is zero judgement from peers or teachers to get all the poses just right. The bonus is that I get a fantastic workout, clear my head and feel the warmth that I’m always missing at the end of summer. What have you been putting off?

Clean your body from the inside out. Does your pattern of eating need an overhaul and you are not sure where to begin? A couple of years ago I took a chance and checked out a local nutrition center that I had seen advertised at my doctor’s office. That decision changed my entire life. The fabulous practitioners at the Right Weigh! are dedicated to helping sort through the confusing information about food and to breaking the frustrating and often costly cycle of dieting. The program does not involve counting points or purchasing pre-packaged meals and most insurances cover the cost of the classes and meetings with dietitians. (Check with your insurance company first.) I urge you to check out The Right Weigh! – Nutrition in Motion if you think you could benefit from a change in your relationship with food and how you eat and feel.

Be thankful for what you have in life instead of what you do not have.  This change in thinking is extremely powerful.  Take a few minutes every day to focus on what you are grateful for and get it down on “paper” (i.e. Notebook, iPhone notepad, Word document). This is a wonderful way to begin and/or end your day. Shawnn Achor, a positivity researcher, poses that if we focus on being more positive in the present, then our brains experience a happiness advantage.  He contends that our brain at “positive” performs significantly better. Our intelligence, creativity, productivity, and energy levels increase when we have a positive outlook. Check out Shawn’s TED talk “The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance”  and shift your focus to the positive.

I will leave you with wise words of one of the most successful investors of all time, Warren Buffett – “The best investment you can make is in yourself.”

Bianca Roberts Signature